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Being Genius is a Sin

 “You see being a genius can be a sin. You can’t please everyone, there will be someone who will always curse you and be unhappy with your creation everytime, when they find others using your invention. KooWell the same happened with the great scientist who created the XCHANGEPILL at the first place. There was plenty of persons who really liked the idea whereas few didn’t like it and call him a mad scientist, and make his life unbearable. Well am saying you this cause i have invented the next stage of the xchange pill. I hope it’ll be granted by everyone.”- i said to the reporters at the opening ceremony of our company. Well am the owner of a multi billionaire company, who is stepping it’s first step in Xchangepill section. We used to make animations and Games but we are trying to enter in other segments too and this is our first step in that way.

      "So here presenting our next invention the "GREEN PILL". I know I know you all have many questions on this pill, what's it's use is , what kind of xchange it does and what's it's timelimits are. Well why don't you join us in the journey of our facility and trial room . Where our scientists can clear your every questions." 

       "I'll be busy doing some important stuff, my fellow colleague will take care of you guys from here. Thank you for giving us your important time."

          "Follow me please reporters"- as i marched forward into the factory, i call it a factory but it doesn't looks like one although you can compare it with a palace. 

      "Now here's our pill room, if you turn your head to the left you can clearly see it , you see, we have divided our whole xchange Pill in 2 sections. On your left there's light green representing female body and on your right dark green representing male body."

     "We aren't creating any xchangepill yet. We are just modifying them. If you can see closely you'll see 4 types of pill one for permanent and one for temporary is dipped into the green liquid where the main recipe of the pill is. We are taking both Male and female pills from market right now. So buyers can face a little bit of shortage but our facility will be ready by a week. Then the shortage will be over. "

   Now let's move to the heart of the xchange Pill. Where you'll be able to witness the power and specialty of this pill. But before that wear this level 9 suits so that nothing can touch your body and alter you. 

       As we moved to the main chamber where you see newly made green pills get into a computer attached some kind of new machine which has 3 needles in it with some kind of blue liquid in it. "You see it's our another invention, here we make the impossible possible."

     Let's move to that glass. There's our Pill testers are, you can now see it's overwhelming power and capabilities with your own eyes. 

    "You see from a decade the taste of our youngsters have changed alot. And right now it's main fetish is limited to some hentai and anime characters who doesn't even exists in real life. So our main moto was to fulfil their desire and finally we can say it's the upcoming future of the human era."

   Now subject-3528 proceed with your pill. 

     As requested. He took his pill as the pill passed his throat and landed in his tummy as his whole body started to emit a green light. Our bare eyes wasn't even able to withstand that light. But after a second light stopped emitting as change started to begin. But the main change we wasn't able to witness is the change of from real character to reel life character skin. As what we saw is the his body is now more like a anime character.

  His body started to grow boobs as we can easily see veins started to expand fat moving all around his body. As fat started to store in his boobs and her penis got sucked in as vagina took place. What i forgot to mention was our subject was naked but out of nowhere a clothing wrapped around her body like it is made of her excess flesh and power transition from real life character to reel life character. As her hair started to grow and other female features started to show up.

  As she came close to our glass we can finally we can finally witness the real era. So this is what green does. 

   " Xchange Pill green transforms anyone into anime characters male female. And time limit is 1 week."

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  1. Where can I get xchange pill . wish like to change into female. let me know ok love . dm or email


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