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For the sake of diversity- Part 1- Body Swap story


    PART 2-  Click ME.

“Sir please! Do something I can’t look like this at home! I enrolled myself in the project for a pay roll upgrade but it’s too much for me now to handle! Isn’t there anything you can do to help me? What if I give a resignation from the post! Will that help?”

“Am really sorry Alec for your problem but there’s nothing I can do to help you after all you were the one who wanted and was begging to me for I payroll upgrade So I just helped you when there was

a option available. And you are not alone in this to be honest 27% of our total male candidates have been upgraded to the same designation same to you none of them have any issues with it and then you come!

Enjoy that body woman you have a sexy whore body there come on don’t hide it under those pile of clothes you used to wear in the office! And show me what you hiding underneath maybe I’ll grant your request and

process it further to the higher office or if you want to oppose you can. But If i Were at your position I would think about it more than once before making any impulsive decision. After all you are on work from Home & I control your WFH. SO think twice bye.”

Fuck that horny HR. Julia was right about him he is pathetic with the females and now with me too. Well am not who I look let me explain I live in Japan for my job & all was good for first 6 months until I government introduced a new rule stating 50/ 50 gender role in company but the female employees weren’t up to the mark but company’s needed to follow the rule so they introduced a special nanobot technology which will transform male into female body assigned to them by the company which also change every week so no one can properly use the body for another plan. The plan was simple when- ever you logged into the company server you’ll be turned into the female simple right! What might go wrong we go company we punch in we change we work and then we log out and we change back and you get a pay roll upgrade for all that! All you need to do is carry a female body! It was easy until I was doing Work From Office but it’ll turned in night- mare in when I switched to WFH. To be continued IN 2nd part.

To know more about his journey and how is he doing check part 2.

    PART 2-  Click ME.

PART 3- Click ME.

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