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Don't let love make you go blind


“ What got into you son! This can’t be you. You bloody demon leave my son alone”- I said as my son is writing something on his new hand made book device with a antena. 

    Maybe i should start from the beginning, so that you’ll understand it better.  I had nothing to do so i don’t see why not start now! So that i can complete before…. 

     Anyway here you go

……..Don’t know when………..

Don’t know how or when this all happened maybe i was a little more glorifying him you see it’s what human nature is we try to glorify our possessions over others and try to make us superior than others.

       You see my Son is a well known scientist. And didn’t took long others to understand how much brilliant he is. So at the age of 18 he is well known scientist with many patents and a wholesome amount of money. His main interest topic is brain. How it works and others, but recently he started taking interests in old antique things, What i took as a hobby but thinking that was my biggest mistake.

   ----------THIS MORNING---------

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