" It can't be the only way! There must be another way son. Please don't do this!" - i said to my son as he driving us to his school teacher's house.
"No mom there's no other way left. We have to do it. He asked me to get you for a Parents Teacher meeting tomorrow. My grades are pretty bad i don't want to get expelled. So we have to visit him today so that i don't get expelled tomorrow."
You must be thinking what's happening! Why don't i force him to stop the car or call the cop or something else!
But you see i don't have that power, to be precise i don't have any control or power over the situation anymore! Am just a doll of his hands now, have to accomplish his every order. You must be thinking how this happened. Well it's not a quite long story though hope you have enough time.
It all started when my husband passed away around 2 months ago. And i was left on my own in this world with our son. But i didn't have any problem with a figure and degree like me anyone would die to appoint me as their PA. Many persons invited to share beds with them but i had to reject. As you can guess my back from viewing my front. It's as heavenly as the front.
So basically with using my figure, makeup and few skill on the 3rd day i managed to have a job. But that was just starting of my destruction.
Due to busy schedule i wasn't able to give proper attention to our son, so it didn't take long before bad habits started to take him in their grasp. Before i can understand anything he was beyond my limits. He started smoking joints, drugs started to become popular in school with his hands and i was so busy that i ignored all this. But now i just wish, that maybe i could have changed the past so that my son won't sacrifice me like this.
So it was yesterday when he came to me with a letter from his class teacher saying-" Dear Miss. Kate me as a representative of our whole school saying that your son is beyond our limits,he is destroying the school heritage and culture, if you don't visit the school by the end of this week we would be bound to expel your son." That was Wednesday so i only had today and tomorrow.
Then i did something any normal mom like me would. I slapped him, said him that i wouldn't go to school, quarreled over it and went to bed.
And when I woke up this morning what i found was my own son was looking over me with some kind of strange dagger in his hand on which a red emerald was shining.
I whole body hard as steel by determining the upcoming danger am gonna face.
"Is this my end, of the story! Dying in my own son's hands! Is this what's God's judgment is! Was i a good mother!"
But the next thing what happened zapped me out of my own dream world. Before i could mutter anything he tried to directly push the knife in my heart but without before processing it in my brain my hands moved on my own and blocked the way as my formed a “X” with my hands and he forcing to break it where as am trying to force him back. To Double up my power my every veins is supplying adrinaline to every cell as my body is going through a adrenaline rush, sweating like hell, eyes wide open as i can see everything clear in peach black darkness but this all wasn’t enough to stop his demonic power as my shields broke down, and as the result the knife pierced my skin and hit my heart, as my whole body started burn like hell! My heart started to beat 200 times in a minute. Insane amount of pressure started to form in my body as my forehead was tearing apart from the pain. My whole body shaking, my 38FF boobs killing my back by freely dangling here and there without the support of the bra. As my eyes started to roll back inside my head and i blacked out. And
"Sorry to interrupt your stream of thinking mom but we are almost here. His home is few blocks away from here. Don't worry am not getting expelled tomorrow. "
" you still have time please think again. "
"I already have gone over it many times. There’s no other way mom. So, Enjoy your stream again mom. "
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